Friday, July 31, 2009

japan has been a blur. four months passed by in a snap of a finger. it felt like a woke up from a really good dream and you when you wake up you just want to close your eyes and drift back into that world. i'm going to blog about my past four months in japan soon.. soon.. when i'm not a lazy ass. but in the meantime i still am and can't bring myself to sort out 3000 photos i have. man, i'm even too lazy to put them on facebook! and that only takes a few clicks of the mouse. anyway, japan was an amazing experience. you meet the most adventurous people, people who are willing to explore and let go of the responsibilities of adulthood for just a while. i recommend every to go on exchange!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

im back home and i miss japan like crazy
i never knew that going back to another asian city would still give me culture shock. i've only been in hk for two days and i have still more adjusting to do. no longer does everyone apologize when they accidently bump into you. no longer are people overly thankful for the purchase you just made. oh the differences. i always thought the over politeness of japan was extreme but now that i'm back in the land where everyone talks loud and doesn't really apologize for anything, i kind of miss that aspect of japan. now i have to stop bowing my head down when i buy something or bump into someone. back to aggressive chinese lady mentality. haha.
oh tokyo, how i miss you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

all good things come to an end

i am leaving the land of the rising sun in single digit days. i can't believe time has rocketed by so fast! 

list of things i need to do in 8 days:
climb fuji-san
more shopping
more exploring
more cafes

its overwhelming to think about the things i have to cram in 8 days. only if i could stop time for just a while.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

i have a blog!
get excited.